About Course
Mini Muslims Hadith Sitting program is totally free of cost just because of ALLAH’s will.
The purpose of this program is to connect children with Sunnah and increase the love for the Prophet (PBUH) in their little hearts.
Content to be covered
40 Authentic Ahadith
Story Telling
Poems Videos
Sharah Videos
Art & Craft
Hands on Activities and Projects
Course Content
Hadith Classes
Orientation form please fill it
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Hadith Class 1 | افشوالسلام بینکم | Hadith about Salam
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Hadith Class 2 | لا تغضب | Hadith about anger
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Hadith Class 3 | الطھورشطرالایمان | Hadith about Cleanliness
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Hadith Class 4 | علیکم بسنتی | following the Sunnah
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Hadith Class 5 | ضرار لا ضرر ولا | Hadith about hurting others
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Hadith class 6 | افضل الذکر لا الہ الااللہ محمد | Hadith about the best zikr
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Hadith Class 7 | المسلم اخوالمسلم | Hadith about Muslim Brotherhood
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Hadith Class 8 | الدعاء ھوالعبادة | Hadith about dua
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Hadith Class 9 | لا تحاسدو | Hadith about jealousy
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Hadith Class 10 | افضل الدعاء الحمدللہ | Hadith about the best dua
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Hadith Class 11 | تھادو تحابو | Hadith about sharing gifts
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Hadith Class 12 | استعن باللہ | Hadtih about asking for the help of Allah
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Hadith Class 13 | الحیاء من الایمان | Hadith about Hayaa being part of Faith
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Hadith Class 14 | ان اللّٰہ جمیل یحب الجمال | Hadith about beauty
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Hadith Class 15 | علیکم بالصدق | Hadith about thruthfulness
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Hadith Class 16 | ان اللّٰہ رفیق یحب الرفق | Hadith about softness
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Hadith Class 17 | کل معروف صدقہ | Hadith about every good deed is sadaqah
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Hadith Class 18 | المومن القوی خیر | Hadith about strength
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Hadith Class 19 | الصلاۃ نور | Hadith about Salah
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Hadith Classes 20 | لا تشرکو باللہ | Hadith about Shirk
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Hadith Class 21 | قل اٰمنت باللہ | Hadith about Faith in Allah Almighty
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Hadith Class 22 | طلب العلم فریضة | Hadith about gaining knowledge
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Hadith Class 23 | ان الجنة تحت رجليھا | Hadith about heaven lies under mother’s feet
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Hadith Class 24 | اقرؤوا القرآن | Hadith about reciting Quran
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Hadith Class 25 | عودواالمریض | Hadith about visiting the sick
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Hadith Class 26 | رضی الرب فی رضی الوالد | Hadith about Fathers
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Hadith Class 27 | کل بیمینک | Hadith about eating with right hand
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Hadith Class 28 | الطعموا الطعام | Hadith about Feeding others
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Hadith Class 29 | املک علیک لسانک | Hadith about speaking carefully
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Hadith Class 30 | غطوا الاناء | Hadith about covering food
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Hadith Class 31 | الحسنة عشر امثالھا | greater reward of good deeds | Montessori School
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Hadith Class 32 | احب الاعمال الی اللہ تعالیٰ ادومھا | Hadith about consistent good deeds
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Hadith Class 33 | بلّغو عنّى ولو آية | Hadith about spreading Allah’s message | Montessori Baby
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Hadith Class 34 | من دعاکم فاجیبوہ | Hadith about accepting invitations
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Hadith Class 35 | الصیامُ جُنة Fasting being a shield from Hell | Montessori School | Islamic Video
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Hadith 36 | خذو بکتابِ اللہ | Hadith about Quraan Kareem | Happy Hadith
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Hadith Class 37 | المرء مع من احب | Hadith about company in the Akhirah
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Hadith Class 38 | Importance Of Commitment | Hadith about commitment
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Hadith Class 39 | لا ایمان لمن لا امانة له | Hadith about faith of a disloyal guardian
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Hadith Class 40 | لا یشکر اللہ من لا یشکر الناس | Hadith about Shukr
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